Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Video! :) Rudolph The Red Nose Redindeer

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a fantastic week! I am getting so excited my birthday is in 3 days and I am super excited! On my birthday my sister and brother in-law are coming over and we will have some of my favorite items to eat. It has always been a tradition with my family that we get to pick what we would like to eat on our birthdays, so I picked two of my favorites, hot dogs and sour cream pound cake!... Ok so anyway on to the card, I have been having a hard time trying to find time to film a video, I got back from our family trip about 2 weeks ago (I filmed a haul from your scrapbook store but have not found time to edit it) and then I got the new Legend of Zelda game (I am such a game nerd lol) so I have been playing that and I have also been trying to do my Christmas shopping so I have been pretty busy and also just haven't felt like making videos... but seeing as Christmas is my favorite time of year I knew I needed/wanted to make a few Christmas card videos, So here is the I can't promise how many I'll do and some that I do make for family cannot be shown on here due to family members do read my blog (you know who you are lol) so I do hope to have more and will promise to try and get more up, until then however I hope you enjoy the video and as always Happy Crafting!